Your Farm in Your Pocket

From Growth Stages to Weather Patterns, find unique farm-tailored data and insights all in one place.

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Cultura is more than an app; it's a tailored tool that harmonizes diverse information streams, including localized weather trends, growing degree days, crop lifecycle stages, and beyond, built to serve and uplift the entire small-holder farming community.

Crop Phenology Tracking

Accurate weather and crop tracking has long eluded small-holder farmers, with most weather stations situated 10+ km away. Cultura calculates hyper-local weather for your exact location and elevation, predicting your crop's growth stages with pinpoint accuracy to help optimize farming practices. Farm smarter and maximize yield with Cultura as it brings lab-grade accuracy right to your fields.

Yield Efficiency Tracking

Unlock insights that go far beyond general analytics with Cultura's yield efficiency tracking. By offering precise, row-by-row evaluations, our platform identifies inefficiencies in irrigation and nutrient distribution that could be affecting your yield. Utilize these insights to optimize water usage, enhance nutrient delivery, and ultimately close yield gaps leading to greater profit margins.

Finance + Resource Management

Get unparalleled insights into your spending on fertilizers, irrigation, and other utilities, and compare your numbers against historical data as well as with neighboring farmers. Our intuitive system calculates your earnings per acre, helping you identify the most profitable crops for your unique circumstances. By managing your finances, we offer actionable steps to maximize profitability.

Real-time Hazard Alerts

Receive real-time notifications directly to your phone, alerting you to imminent weather hazards like hail storms, enabling you to take preventive action before your crops are at risk. But it's not just about weather—our system keeps you updated on market trends  in the small-holder farming sector. Cultura not only helps you protect your crop but also allows you to seize market opportunities.

Coupling Farmer-Backed Problems....

We've been in the fields and markets, speaking to small-holder farmers, Agtech industry experts and tenured members of professors alike about the biggest issues affecting agriculture today.

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.....With Academia-Backed Solutions

Backed by Professors from UofT ad University of Nebraska-Lincoln, we aim to use cutting edge technologies to help farmers harness a digital twin of their farms in their own pocket.

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Let's Cultivate

Small-holder farmers are the backbone of our economy. Cultura aims to provide farmers the same insights as their industrial counterparts, with ease of use and affordability.